

  • 职务:
  • 电子邮件:zhangty@mail.iap.ac.cn
  • 研究方向:作物模型, 全球环境变化
1.?????? Zhang, Tianyi, Guo, E, Yang, X, Li, T., Wang, L., Jiang, S., Xiang, H., Wang, L., Feng, Y., Lai, Y. 2020. Separate parameterization of pre- and post-flowering phases as a solution to minimize simulation bias trends in rice phenology with climate warming. Field Crops Research, 107672.
2.?????? Zhang, Tianyi, Mahmood, R, Lin, X., Pielke, R., 2019. Irrigation impacts on minimum and maximum surface moist enthalphy in the Central Great Plains of the USA. Weather and Climate Extreme, 23, 100197
3.?????? Zhang, Tianyi*., Yue Xu, Li, Tao, Unger Nadine, X, Yang, 2018, Climate effects of stringent air pollution controls mitigate future maize losses in China. Environmental Research Letters. 13, 124011 4.541
4.?????? Zhang, Tianyi*., Li, Tao, Yue, Xu, Yang, Xiaoguang. 2017. Impacts of aerosol pollutant mitigation on lowland rice yields in China. Environmental Research Letters. 12, 104003.
5.?????? Zhang, Tianyi*, Wang, Jinxia, Teng, Yishu. 2017. Adaptive Effectiveness of Irrigated Area Expansion in Mitigating the Impacts of Climate Change on Crop Yields in Northern China. Sustainability, 9, 851
6.?????? Zhang, Tianyi*, Li, Tao, Yang, Xiaoguang, Simelton, Elisabeth 2016. Model biases in rice phenology under warmer climates. Scientific Reports, 6, 27355.
7.?????? Zhang, Tianyi, Yang, Xiaoguang 2016. Mapping Chinese rice suitability to climate change. Journal of Agricultural Science, 8, 33 - 48.
8.?????? Zhang, Tianyi, Lin,Xiaomao*, 2016. Assessing future drought impacts on yields based on historical irrigation reaction to drought for four major crops in Kansas. Science of the Total Environment, 550, 851 – 860.
9.?????? Zhang, Tianyi, Lin,Xiaomao*, Sassenrath, G. 2015. Current irrigation practices in the central United States reduce drought and extreme heat impacts for maize and soybean but not for wheat. Science of the Total Environment, 508, 331 – 342
10.??? Zhang, Tianyi, Wang, Hesong*. 2015. Trend patterns of vegetative coverage and their underlying causes in the deserts of Northwest China over 1982 – 2008, PloS ONE, 10, e0126044.
11.??? Zhang, Tianyi, Lin,Xiaomao*, Rogers, D, Lamm, F. 2015. Adaptation of irrigation infrastructure on irrigation demands under future drought in the United States. Earth interactions, 19, 1 – 16.
12.??? Zhang, Tianyi, Yang, Xiaoguang*, Wang, Hesong., Li, Yong., Ye, Qing. 2014. Climatic and technological ceilings for Chinese rice stagnation based on yield gaps and yield trend pattern analysis. Global Chang Biology, 20, 1289–1298.
13.??? Zhang, Tianyi*, Simelton, Elisabeth, Huang, Yao, Shi, Ying. 2013. A Bayesian assessment of the current irrigation water supplies capacity under projected droughts for the 2030s in China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 178, 56 – 65.
14.??? Zhang, Tianyi*, Huang, Yao, Yang, Xiaoguang 2013. Climate warming over the past three decades has shortened rice growth duration in China and cultivar shifts have further accelerated the process for late rice. Global Chang Biology, 19, 563 – 570
15.??? Zhang, Tianyi*, Huang,Yao. 2013. Estimating the impacts of warming trends on wheat and maize in China from 1980 to 2008 based on county level data. International Journal of Climatology. 33, 699–708.
16.??? Zhang, Tianyi*, Huang,Yao. 2012. Impacts of climate change and interannual variability on cereal crops in China from 1980 to 2008. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 92, 1643 – 1652.
17.??? Zhang, Tianyi*, Zhu, Jiang., Wassmann, Reiner. 2010. Responses of rice yields to recent climate change in China: An empirical assessment based on long-term observations at different spatial scales (1981–2005). Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 150, 1128–1137.
18.??? Zhang, Tianyi *, Zhu, Jiang., Yang, Xiaoguang, Zhang, X. 2008. Correlation changes between rice yields in North and Northwest China and ENSO from 1960 to 2004, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 148: 1021–1033.
19.??? Zhang, Tianyi *, Zhu, Jiang., Yang, Xiaoguang 2008. Non-stationary thermal time accumulation reduces the predictability of climate change effects on agriculture, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 148: 1412 – 1418
20.??? Yue, Xu, Liao, Hong, Wang, Huijun, Zhang, Tianyi, Unger, Nadine, Sitch, Stephen, Feng, Zhaozhong, Yang, Jia. 2020. Pathway dependence of ecosystem responses in China to 1.5oC global warming. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 20, 2353-2366.
21.??? Wei, T., Zhang, Tianyi, Cui, X., Glomsr?d, S., Liu, Y. 2019. Potential influence of climate change on grain self‐sufficiency at the country level considering adaptation measures. Earth's Future, 7.https://doi.org/10.1029/2019EF001213
22.??? Ling, X., Zhang, Tianyi, Deng, N., Yuan, S., Yuan, G., He, W., Cui, K., Nie, L., Peng, S., Li, T., Huang, J. 2019. Modelling rice growth and grain yield in rice ratooning production system. Field Crops Research, 241, 107574.
23.??? Zhan, P., Zhu, W., Zhang, T., Cui, X., Li, N. 2019. Impacts of sulfate geoengineering on rice yield in China: Results from a multimodel ensemble. Earth’s Future 7, 395 – 410.
24.??? Sun, S., Yang, X., Lin, X., Zhao, J., Liu, Z., Zhang, T., Xie, W. 2019. Seasonal variability in potential and actual yields of winter wheat in China. Field Crops Research. 240, 1 – 11.
25.??? Wang, Xiaoyu, Li, Tao, Yang, Xiaoguang, Zhang, Tianyi, Liu, Zijuan, Guo, Erjing, Liu, Ziqi, Qu, Huihui, Chen, Xi, Wang, Lizhi, Xiang, Honogtao, Lai, Yongcai. 2018. Rice yield potential, gaps and constraints during the past three decades in a climate-changing Northeast China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 259, 15, 173 - 183.
26.??? Wei, Taoyuan., Zhang, Tianyi, de Bruin Karianne, Glomrod, S., Shi, Q., 2017. Extreme weather impacts on maize yield: The case of Shanxi Province in China. Sustainability, 9, 41.
27.??? Wei, Taoyuan.*, Glomrod, S., Zhang, Tianyi 2017. Extreme weather, food security and the capacity to adapt- the case of crops in China, Food Security, 9, 523 – 535. 3.527
28.??? Wei, Taoyuan.*, Cherry, Tom., Glomrod, S., Zhang, Tianyi 2014. Climate change impacts on crop yield: Evidence from China, Science of the Total Environment, 499, 133 – 140.
29.??? Li, Kenan, Yang, Xiaoguang*, Liu, Zhijuan., Zhang, Tianyi Lu, S. Liu, Y. 2014. Low yield gap of winter wheat in the North China Plain. European Journal of Agronomy 59: 1 – 12.
30.??? Van Oort, P.*, Zhang, Tianyi, de Vries, M., Heinemann, A., Meinke, H. 2011. Correlation between temperature and phenology error in rice (Oryza sativa L.) Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 151, 1545 – 1555.
31.??? Piao, Shilong.*, Ciais, Philips., Huang, Yao, Shen, Z., Peng, S., Li, J., Zhou, L., Liu, H., Ma, Y., Ding, Y., Friedlingstein, P., Liu, C., Tan, K., Yu, Y., Zhang, Tianyi, Fang, J. 2010. The impacts of climate change on water resources and agriculture in China. Nature. 467, 43 – 51.
32.??? Xue, Changying., Yang, Xiaoguang*, Bouman, B.A.M., Deng, W., Zhang, Q. Yan, W., Zhang, T, Rouzi, A., Wang, H. 2008. Optimizing yield, water requirements, and water productivity of aerobic rice for the North China Plain. Irrigation Science, 26: 459 – 474.
33.??? 郭而静,杨晓光,王晓煜,张天一,黄晚华,刘子琪,Tao Li. 2017. 湖南省双季稻产量差时空分布特征. 中国农业科学, 2, 399 - 418.
34.??? 王晓煜; 杨晓光; Tao Li; 张天一; 刘涛; 项洪涛; 孙翌晨; 刘志娟, 2018. 东北三省水稻干事交替灌溉模式适应性分区. 农业工程学报, 6, 111-120
35.??? 张晓艳,褚建民*, 孟平, 张天一, 高明远, 李得禄. 2015. 民勤绿洲荒漠梭梭(Haloxylon ammodendron)土壤水分特征. 中国沙漠, 35, 1206 – 1216.
36.??? 姜涛,朱文泉,詹培,唐珂,崔雪锋,张天一. 2017. 一种抗时序数据噪声的冬小麦识别方法研究.遥感技术与应用. 32, 698 – 708.
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2.中国科学院人才项目,中国科学院青年创新协会,2018/01 - 2022/12,80万,在研,主持
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