
【4.14】Carbon inversion theory and applications at city scale for regional sustainable development

  报告题目:Carbon inversion theory and applications at city scale for regional sustainable development

  报 告 人:吴林 博士

  单 位:法国气候与环境科学实验室


  地 点:LAPC多功能厅




  CO2 is the main greenhouse gas that triggers adverse climate change. Cities occupy less than 3% of the world’s land surface, but directly release about 44% of the global energy-related CO2 and are responsible for 71–76% of CO2 emissions from global final energy use. It is therefore of critical importance to monitor CO2 emissions from cities to mitigate their local and global adverse impacts. We will discuss a framework of carbon inversion theory, the second-order carbon inversion, and the practices of carbon inversion at the city scale. In particular, we will present the first results on inversion estimates of city sectoral CO2 emissions from road transport, commercial and residential building heating/cooling, energy production, and combustion and production processes in industries within the Paris metropolitan. We will also briefly discuss the use of air quality data (e.g. CO) and satellite data for estimating city CO2 emissions as well as the role of low carbon cities in climate economy and regional sustainable development.



  吴林博士毕业于2005法国傅里叶大学获应用数学博士学位,在法国国立信息与自动化研究所(INRIA),法国路桥大学大气环境实验室(ENPC-CEREA)与法国气候与环境科学实验室(LSCE)从事多年大气环境科学与工程研究工作,其主要研究方向为(1) 大气污染同化与预报 (2) 碳反演理论与应用 (3)城市碳排放与碳循环。
