
【4.14】Combining Atmospheric Modeling and Observations to Understand Aerosol Pollution in North China

  报告题目:Combining Atmospheric Modeling and Observations to Understand Aerosol Pollution in North China

  报 告 人:高蒙 博士

  单 位:美国哈佛大学


  地 点:LAPC多功能厅




  Frequent haze events have been happening in North China, and the severity of these events has attracted massive attention from both public and scientific community. Extremely high aerosol loadings in these haze events significantly influence visibility, human health and climate. We explored the causes of winter haze in North China from several aspects, including meteorology role, secondary aerosol formation role, regional transport and role, and aerosol feedbacks role. The winter haze events in the NCP are mainly caused by high emissions of air pollutants, stagnant winter weather (low wind speeds, strong temperature inversion), and secondary aerosol formation. Besides, non-local contributions are comparable to local contributions and aerosol feedbacks can aggravate haze pollution. Compared to observations, sulfate concentrations have been largely underestimated by current models, indicating some missing winter sulfate formation pathways in the model. Although there have been great advances in aerosol modeling, it is still challenging due to large uncertainties in emission inventory, physical and chemical parameterizations. We assimilated surface PM2.5 concentrations to constrain model predictions and reduce the uncertainties in estimates of health and climate impacts, which can provide important scientific and policy basis for haze pollution control.


  高蒙博士现为美国哈佛大学博士后研究员(合作导师:Michael B. McElroy)。2012年本科毕业于南京信息工程大学大气物理学系,2015年5月和12月于美国爱荷华大学化学与生化工程系获硕士和博士学位(指导老师: Gregory R. Carmichael教授)。其主要研究方向为(1)区域空气质量与大气化学模拟,(2)化学场资料同化,(3)气候变化对可再生能源影响。
