
【4.6】Winter Extreme Precipitation Events Along the Coast of the Northeast United States and the Associated Large-Scale Circulations

  报 告 人:Prof. Wei-Chyung Wang

  报告人单位: University at Albany

  报 告 地 点:科研楼303会议室

  报 告 时 间:2017年4月6日(星期四)10:00


  Wei-Chyung Wang is Professor of Applied Sciences at the University at Albany, State University of New York and a member of Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters. He received Doctor of Engineering Sciences from Columbia University studying the radiative effect of atmospheric aerosols, and has been using models and observations to study the climate effects of changes in atmospheric greenhouse gases, ozone, and aerosols. His current research focuses on atmospheric aerosol-cloud-radiation-climate interactions, and extreme weather events. Since 1987, Professor Wang has been serving as the U.S. Chief Scientist for the “Climate Sciences” agreement between the U. S. Department of Energy and the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He has over 160 publications in more than thirty journals including Science and Nature, and was awarded by SUNY-Albany in 1994 for Excellence in Research and by European Physical Society/Balkan Physical Union in 2002 for Scientific Achievements in Environmental Physics.



