
【9.8】Boundary layer characteristics over China: Insight gained from radiosonde network and CALIOP

  报告题目:Boundary layer characteristics over China: Insight gained from radiosonde network and CALIOP


  报 告 人:郭建平 研究员(中国气象科学研究院)

  报告时间: 2016年9月8日上午10:00

  报告地点: LAPC多功能厅 


  The important roles of planetary boundary layer (PBL) in climate, weather and air quality have long been recognized, but little is known about the PBL climatology in China. Using the fine-resolution sounding observations made across China along with CALIOP observations, we for the first time report the sounding-based climatology of large-scale boundary layer height (BLH) in China during the period January 2011 to July 2015. In this talk, the diurnal cycle and seasonality of BLH will be presented. In addition, the meteorological influence on the evolution of BLH are investigated as well, showing that BLH at most sounding sites is negatively associated with the surface pressure and lower tropospheric stability, but positively associated with the near-surface wind speed and temperature. Also, the radiosonde-derived BLHs are compared with the collocated CALIOP-derived BLH, stratified by three matchup scenarios according to the position of each radiosonde site relative to its closest CALIPSO ground tracks. Overall, CALIOP-derived BLHs are in good agreement with with radiosonde-derived ones. This indicates that meteorology plays a significant role in the PBL processes. Overall, the key findings obtained from this study lay a solid foundation for us to gain a deep insight into the features of PBL in China, which helps understand the roles of PBL playing in the air pollution, weather and climate of China.



  于2010年1月至2010年7月在中国气象局的资助下赴荷兰屯特大学做国家公派高级访问学者,2010年9月 至2011年5月作为中组部第六批援藏干部赴雪域高原的西藏气象局参与技术援藏工作,2012-2013年中国气象局人才项目资助赴美国马里兰大学大气科学与海洋系高级访问学者,从事气溶胶-云-降水相互作用研究,2015年6-7月,美国宇航局喷气推进实验室高级访问学者,2015年7-8月,美国加州理工学院行星科学与地质系高级访问学者。先后主持科技部国家科技支撑项目、国家自然基金青年基金项目、国家自然基金面上项目、公益性行业(气象)科研专项,以及科技部国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)子专题等项目。目前已在Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmosphere, Atmospheric Environment, International Journal of Climatology, Atmospheric Research, International Journal of Remote Sensing 等杂志发表SCI收录论文40余篇。由于在科研和业务上的较出色表现,荣获2010年度中国气象科学研究院“优秀青年奖”光荣称号,并于2014年入选中国气象科学研究院首批科技领军人才培养计划。在攻读博士学位期间,曾荣获“中国科学院院长奖学金优秀奖”,“三好学生标兵”,“优秀毕业生”等光荣称号。
