
【5.9】Variabilities and Interactions in the Land-Water-Climate Nexus

  报告题目: Variabilities and Interactions in the Land-Water-Climate Nexus

  报 告 人: Dr. Jiangfeng WEI

  单 位:Jackson School of Geosciences, University of Texas at Austin, USA

  时 间:2016年5月9日(周一)上午09:30

  地 点:大气所40号楼319会议室

  In this talk, Dr. Wei will introduce some recent work by him and his group members in the broad area of land-water-climate-aerosol interactions, with focuses on land-atmosphere interactions, water cycle, and aerosol-climate interactions. Specific topics include (may only cover some of them):

  1.Impact of land and atmospheric processes on precipitation

  2.Influence of land initial conditions from snow data assimilation on seasonal surface temperature prediction

  3.Where does the irrigation water go?

  4.Role of ocean evaporation in recent California drought

  5.Response of Indian summer monsoon to Middle East dust

  6.Land-atmosphere-aerosol coupling in North China
