

报告题目:Joint effects of global warming and urban climate in different climate zones

报告人:Prof. Robert Bornstein
Department of Meteorology and Climate Science, San Jose State University, California USA



摘要:Urban areas alter atmospheric energy and moisture balances to create weather patterns and climates different from those in its surrounding areas.  In an era of global climate changes, the interactions of urban climates with changing regional climates can either amplify or mitigate the adverse or beneficial impacts of these larger scale changes.  This presentation seeks to understand these interactions in a variety of climate zones.  The presentation thus first reviews the factors creating urban climates and then summaries their characteristics in cities in different climate zones, and then by use of IPCC regional climate change projections, a summary is presented of the positive and negative interactions between the urban and regional climate changes.  Implications for human heat stress, water supply, energy, and air quality are discussed.

